Partner with us
We provide free chess lessons to the public as well as funding for students to travel to compete at national level tournaments. In the last four years, we’ve been able to reach over 40 students through our free chess workshops.
In order to ensure that our classes remain accessible to all Bocas residents, we need to rely on donations and sponsorships.
If your business or organization is interested in supporting our project, please email us at [email protected]
Collaborate on an event
We’ve hosted casual chess tournaments and workshops in collaboration with several Bocas businesses in the past. These events are great for bringing together community and raising awareness of our mission. If your organization is interested in providing prizes for tournaments, space to host events, or co-hosting activities, please contact us!
our Impact and mission
We’ve been an active and dedicated member of Bocas since 2020. Our hope is to transform the academic landscape of Boca Del Toro and empower students to support the future of their community.